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Today CIEL is like walking on thin ice, the slightest mistake will likely drop off a dead man 's fate, of course, if handled well, it could take the opportunity to rise, not only to dominate the static mirage hei road, but also to become the Green Gang, the Yamaguchi-gumi faction against the other large bang hei road forces. Road is not ideal hei ye stars dominate the world, but standing on the pinnacle of the world, but it is ideal for the whole CIEL members fought a bloody war toms outlet cheap toms regardless of life and death, it is not precisely in order that day ?

As for the white trail of business, there are about money, Murong Rong, Li Xiaoting et al, but it is more and more prosperous, while also not become static mirage of ten groups, but among the second-tier group, but has been at the forefront of the heart after all, there has been some time ago toms shoes sale CIEL support behind, hei flow of ray ban sunglasses incoming money trail almost entirely smashed into it. As a result, from start to finish, leaves and stars did not worry about the money, after the end of the college entrance examination, Li Yan was originally intended to return to Kyoto and ye stars together to see their families, can be because of the Green Gang thing, did not have time, In desperation, Yan Li had returned to Kyoto one person alone.

Today,cheap toms, because of cross-strait relations, the Green Gang in static mirage may be based, and it is almost a dominant, but for a short time, it may have become a real first ang pie. Of course, even the first ang faction, but also on the surface, at least one parishes in the Green Gang 's strength is definitely difficult and CIEL or the day the door will compete today's day the reason why the Church so much crime, simply because the Green Gang fame outside, send a lot of small bang heard the name Green Gang, direct surrendered, it is also the day the crime of the Church gathered in a short time a lot of strength reasons.
