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Heading is a big guy, since one carrying a heavy machine guns, also carrying a big backpack, waist not a circle grenades, Messenger with a Mauser pistol, just walking from the road to the children, also at the foot of the wind, incredibly easy, needless to say, is a mountain tiger specify this super perverted guy, someone else how can this skill ah ? Children saw the fight last night after two heavy machine guns, this guy on the grass is always greener, and the light machine gun fling aside, picked up a heavy machine gun is not doing nothing, and also Dian Dian weight, spat straight mouth to sing, or even to say this guy enough weight, love, all the team members, including Don Qiu, including collective silent, rolling his eyes straight child, brother, can not fail to mine, but that stuff Sa children who can summon, toms shoes one child can do it ?

The teams are looking straight holes punched, and this can do it ? Sa get the guy who was cheap toms a person to get, admire greatly admire ! It also is not below the edges of the stent tiger hill in the way, but also increased weight, simply, demolition demolition bar to throw it aside, and homeopathy to the shoulder carry, blanket a mouth laugh, line, full-service Men cheap toms up ! Tang Qiu to Tiger Hill side, rushed him stretched thumb, Tiger Hill and more happy, perky looking at everybody, did not see, we even let the head Doukua ! Tang Qiu did not think Tiger Hill on the machine guns are so good at it seems, some things are one -hundred- ah, but this guy is sick of it, look at his equipment a child, is a combat platforms, ah, for the devils he should Daoda Mei !
