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ray ban sunglasses Went to see his father in prison, and then think of ways. Thunder Sky Yi said. That lesson has now been completed man surnamed Wu, presumably could not pass for a while, the man went back to where Huang Yu messenger, but that time, there will alert the yellow margin. It seems that the days of easy Ray Huang Yu do their own reasons besides revenge, but a large part of the reason was to suppress the pancake shop, probably did not expect to find ray ban sunglasses australia this time few people do not eat bad publicity thing, but before long, this message will spread Lixian 's.

Huang Yu- there certainly find a county magistrate for help, or else will not use so many runners, causing so much momentum, so that even Ray Tianyi want to send to the county magistrate point where money can not solve the problem, after all, Huang Yu Tianyi family property is much larger than mine, on the front recklessly, Ray still fight, but the days of easy. But chaussures ugg this time, Ray Tianyi suddenly thought of a solution to this idea. Poor brother, Cheap ray bans Sunglasses want to go see his father, Could you bend the rules. Outside prison, jail guard Ray Tianyi toward the soldiers handed over the past two ounces of silver.

The soldier against the Thunder Sky Yi said. Into the jail inside,ray ban sunglasses australia, Thunder Sky easy to find, although it is a small Lixian, but a lot of people are imprisoned here, the room on both sides of the channel, a large number of prisoners are detained, four or five people who are people were locked up in a cell, wearing a prison uniform, looked depressed, really miserable. Thunder Sky Yi sigh a little, I do not know how many of these people have been wronged and are coming off, but looking at those kind of people miserable, Ray Tianyi can not help but worry about them, whether father like these people do ?
