It is also noteworthy, 2007 can have certain competition ability 33 brands, ranking 25 and 8 outside the ghd hair straightener brand sales share and less than 0. 3%, with the GHD brand to further enhance the degree of concentration and market leading brand gradually squeezing, 2008 refrigerant year the brand's fate will be difficult to predict.
In addition, in 2007 year domestic ghd retail market brand competition is a landmark change is foreign brand overall market share of overall shrinkage and domestic GHD brand market share of the rapid increase. On the whole GHD market, foreign brand sales share is of less than 15%, sales share of less than 19%.
Although 2007 year individual Japanese brands in the local retail market performance is good, the brand itself year-on-year sales increased, but the individual brands and local market it is difficult to change the overall foreign brands shrinking market pattern. ghd australia continuation of the GHD temperament steam washing products function and technique, such as clothing, remove the routine bacterial allergens, mould steam washing function, as well as intelligent drying, ultra-quiet DD direct drive motor.